Tell people about BackChat

A free web app to help you push back against bulling

BackChat is an interactive web application that helps you find and use your voice when you experience bullying.

Dene Rossouw

Tell people about BackChat

BackChat will be a FREE service to anyone who needs help—as long as they have an internet connection and a mobile device.

I am now building the back-end of this web application. The front-end design and navigation has taken many months to complete. I hope you see its value and will consider letting people know about BackChat—to help them push back and find their voice against bullying.

Thank you.

~Dene Rossouw

Sharing BackChat is Easy


Talk to us

Please send us an email or call 1.778.386.5167.
We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Schedule a time for a demo

We are available to conduct a presentation and answer questions in person or on Zoom.

Share it with your network

Please copy our Home page address and send it to your network to help people being bullied.